One moment please Preparing your stone
One moment please Preparing your image

Step 1: Upload your photo

Drag & drop your image or click to upload.

– We accept files up to 20MB through upload.
– We accept jpg, jpeg, gif, png and tiff files through upload.

For larger files or other file types, we suggest using a file transfer program and/or sharing a Dropbox or Google Drive link through this form.

Need Some Help?

Uploading Assistance

Select an image then click the Upload button. Once the image has finished uploading, you can select a size from the list on the next page and crop as you like.

We receive the original image, the cropped image is used as a guide only. If we feel there is a problem with the quality, crop or size we will contact you by phone or email.

If you would like to add a note to accompany the image – ie ‘watch crop around head’, there’s a note section under size selection or another at checkout.

If you are having other problems please email us at [email protected] and we’ll sort it out in person.

Step 2: Select your stone size

Our range comes in 12 sizes, using 5 lengths which work beautifully together in sets. The pro-range require images with a decent amount of pixels. If you need some assistance email us and we’ll confirm compatibility before uploading.

Upload Your Photos


Need Some Help?

A cropping frame and rotate icon will appear in the top right of the frame.

Rotate will switch directions of the cropping tool – no need to worry if you’ve uploaded sideways, we’ll work out the orientation, or contact you.

Move the cropping tool using your mouse, arrow keys or fingers. Once you have captured the image in frame click on the ‘Save’ button below.

An example frame will appear around your image. Note this is only a guide – all our timbers are hardwood and selected to match individual prints.

Step 3: Medium Rectangle


Your image will be printed directly onto the stone surface. The porous nature of stone creates a perfect match with the UV cured inks. We do use a small bleed around the image to account for the stone meeting the timber – approx 3mm. Our pre-production and printing team will ensure nothing valuable is cut from the image.

Hanging Options

Note: You can hang from the timber—keeping the stones flush to the wall.

Video on hanging options here.

Timber selection

We collect a varied range of second life timbers – our printing team balances the character of each stone with your image or collection. If you have any specific requests, ie match a previous stone or piece of furniture please send a note along with an emailed photo to help make this possible. Otherwise, trust our team will make the best selection.


It takes around 10 days to make your OnStone print and ship. If you need it sooner please select Express and make a note in the comments section and we’ll do our best to make it happen.

Note: Flat-rate applies – $18.50 and $35 express.  

Add Note

Note: Sample frame around the upload is a guide only – If it’s out of alignment, be assured this will not happen in the real world.

One moment please Preparing your stone
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